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We don’t sell you our services. We advise you on the best course of action. We partner with highly skilled surveying consultants to give you the best possible solution for your concerns.

There is a chance the Longaevitas system may not be the best solution for your windows or doors. That is why we don’t believe in ‘selling’ you our solution, but rather providing you with objective, effective options to suit your goals and pocket.

Our commitment is exhibited by our use of surveyors rather than salesmen. Each of our surveying partners is part of a greater network of service providers, enabling them to provide you with a number of recommended vetted specialists.

Strength In Numbers

We partner with local specialists vetted by us to ensure on-site work is done to our standards. We make sure these partners are like-minded in their approach to window and door conservation with a passion for keeping Britain’s heritage alive.

Each professional is put through rigorous training and quality checks to ensure impeccable work. The off-site Longaevitas system is practiced within our own closed environment ensuring superior results.

By being open and willing to work with others allows us to offer quality, bespoke services to all counties in the United Kingdom.

Free estimate Paid professional survey