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Window Restoration Kent – Sevenoaks

In this window restoration Kent case study Mrs. C had recently bought a large manor house just outside London in Sevenoaks. It was a Grade II listed property that had 36 large sash windows and several original doors. The client was looking for a specialist company that was able to deal with listed properties and also specialised in restoring original sash windows.

Case Study Details

We assessed the windows and most of the frames and glass were original. The client wanted her large sash windows and doors fully restored and decorated. Her home being so large and having so many windows was rather draughty so she liked the idea of having draught proofing done as well. She also had two small children and was concerned about their safety when it comes to the windows, that they might be able to open them. As the windows were very large Mrs C needed to trust that the chosen company were capable of handling their size.


As this property had so many windows we decided to remove them in batches of 7. The sash windows were removed and taken off to our workshop to be worked on. We were very careful when handling her windows as the glass was original and she had not wanted it to be replaced. The sash windows were stripped back and the wood was repaired where needed. They were decorated with the client’s chosen paint colour. We draught proofed the windows before fitting them back in. Security locks were installed so that her small children could not open the windows and also they couldn’t be broken into from outside. The doors that she wanted restored were also hand painted and repaired on site.


Mrs. C was happy with the way we handled her sash windows and the decoration process. We restored all her windows and doors with care and when we left, they all looked as good as new. She also had peace of mind knowing that her children couldn’t open the windows and climb out or get hurt. The draught proofing that was fitted meant that her home was staying warmer now and less draughts were entering.

We want to help

The process we used to resolve this homes’ window issues can be reviewed in more detail on our sash window restoration page. Should you require further information please feel free to contact us.

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